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Browsing Archive February, 2016
Python Latches to Handler’s Face

Handling snakes can be dangerous for obvious reasons. If you ever happen to have a python clamping down on your smeller, it's important to remain calm. Having cranberry juice and tongue depressors also helps. Lots and lots of cranberry juice.

Sudden Hail Storm Wreaks Havoc on Beachgoers

What happens on a Siberian beach, doesn't always stay on a Siberian Beach. In this case, that beautiful, dreamy weather turned into a nightmare with massive hail raining down and a 20-degree temperature in minutes. And, it was all recorded by a (brave) beachgoer. Watch the drama unfold, and prepare ...

‘Mutant’ Fish Caught, Goes Viral for Scary Looks

Just when you think the water's safe, something like this comes along and scares the crap out of you. While the fish in the video isn't something you'd expect to ever catch on your line, they aren't uncommon. The batfish is recognized by its broad, flat ...

Blue Bastard Formally Identified, Lives Up to Its Name

The blue bastard fish has formally been identified as a new species. The fish has long been rumoured to exist among Australian fishermen, the fish gets its name because it's, "a bastard to catch." Jeff Johnson, a scientist from Queensland Museum, named the fish Plectorhinchus caeruleonothus after ...

Monster 8.5 Foot 250 Pound Catfish Caught

Yuri Grisendi may have solved world hunger when he pulled this mammoth of a catfish out of the River Rhone in France. Weighing in at 250 lbs and 8 and a half feet long, this monster fish may have eaten everything else in the river. This "Jaws" of ...

The Ridiculously Hilarious Ways That Animals Sleep

Sleeping isn't anything special, everyone and everything must get shut-eye at some point. These animals prove that just because everyone does it, that doesn't mean it can't be funny. That's especially true if you're a walrus sleeping in water.  

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