Whatever scared these deer into running and jumping off an overpass must've been pretty terrifying to make them do it. Cat Veerhusen was driving down the road when a whitetail buck and three does ran across the road and lept over a concrete barrier. Unfortunately, the deer didn't realize there ...
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It's unclear what caused the behavior, but a captive orca at Loro Parque in Spain's Canary Islands attempted to beach herself several times. She was filmed slumped over motionless for more than ten minutes after a performance. This isn't the first time the whale, named Morgan, has expressed odd ...
READ MORE +Sometimes you just need to let Darwinism's run of "survival of the fittest" run its course. Such was the case for what should have happened in an incident that resulted in the killing of two African lions in a Chile zoo on Saturday. It all started when a man, 20-year-old Franco Luis Ferrada, ...