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Why Buy A Snowmobile When You Can Build One?

When that first snow of the year falls (if you're in an area that actually gets a winter) there's a good chance some part of you wishes you had a snowmobile to tear across you new winter wonderland. Unforunately, snowmobiles can be a serious investment that many just can't spare the expense. If ...

Video: Avalanche Recorded Tearing Down Mountain

As beautiful as snow covered mountains are, they can turn deadly at a moments notice. This video of an avalanche in Alaska cascading down Mount Juneau shows just how vicious nature can turn in an instant. Carole Tries captured the footage after finishing her workout. She heard a loud noise and ...

How Cold is Too Cold for Man’s Best Friend?

Dogs. We all love our four-legged best friends and want to take them everywhere we go as we explore the outdoors. It's a great thing they like it outside just as much, if not more, than we do. But how do we know when cold weather becomes too cold for our faithful companions to safely be outside? In ...

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