Shooting an 11-point buck would typically be a cause for celebration for the hunter, but in this case it's probably one of the decisions he regrets most in his life after it resulted in a $10,000 fine. Clarence Robertson, of New Marker, Tenn., bagged an 11-point buck from his driveway on ...
READ MORE +illegal hunting
Of all the dumb things someone can do, illegally killing an animal and then displaying said animal at a hunting expo ranks pretty high on the list. A man who poached a mule deer out of season will face jail time and pay thousand of dollars in fines after killing a mule deer out of season, ...
READ MORE +After surviving the scandal that resulted in the death of Cecil the Lion, hunting guide Headman Sibana probably thought his hard times were behind him. Unfortunately for the hunter, he was arrested last Thursday after a tip connected him with illegally hunting an endangered antelope. Roan ...
READ MORE +Two men face numerous charges after killing almost a dozen deer and discarding the carcasses. John Gallano IV and Christopher Johnson will face charges after a year long investigation into their crimes which racked up a total of 73 counts of illegal deer hunting. It's been a while since ...
READ MORE +A Florida man plead guilty on June 7, 2016, in Ontario court in Kenora for duck hunting at night and was subsequently fined $3,000 and will be unable to obtain a migratory bird hunting licence for one year. Kenora District conservation officers approached the man on Lake of the Woods after ...
READ MORE +Jeffery and Daniel Byrne have been charged with using a helicopter for hunting following having it seized last December, according to CBC News. The pair had been accused of using the aircraft to hunt moose near South Twin Lake on December 6 and were charged with possessing a big game animal. ...