Footage shows an exercise that went horribly wrong for an Apache helicopter as it crashes nose first and flips into the sea in Greece. The helicopter belonged to the Greek army and suffered from engine failure, causing it to plunge into the Aegean Sea only several yards from a beach last ...
This sea extraction performed by what is believed to be British SBS Commandos shows what precision and training can allow people to accomplish. The Chinook helicopter manages to hover at the perfect point to where it's in the water just enough to allow a their brothers in arms to land their ...
READ MORE +The ocean is full of some pretty out of this world stuff that can be mind numbing to think about. Whether it's ocean crop circles, glowing water or the green flash, the sea creates some pretty magical sites. Here are the top 10 craziest things to occur in the ocean. ...
READ MORE + The last things passengers on Royal Caribbean's Anthem of the Seas expected when they departed from New Jersey on Saturday was a live reenactment of the The Perfect Storm, but that's exactly what they got. ...
READ MORE +A love for the ocean has the ability to unite people from all cultures and walks of life. There's no better way to discover the full beauty of the ocean than through scuba diving. As beautiful as the ocean can be, it contains just as many dangers. It's important to understand how to care for any ...