King of the jungle or not, this lion is pretty brave to sneak up and surprise this sleeping lioness. After spending some tense moments creeping up to the sleeping female lion, the male lion decides to greet her in the only way that makes sense — he bites her right on the backside! The ...
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We're not sure if this lioness has had luck with bringing down hippos in the past, but this ambush (sniff fest) ends in spectacular failure. Looking for what she probably thought was an easy meal in Massai Mara, the lioness sniffs around a sleeping hippopotamus. Unfortunately for the lioness, ...
READ MORE +A lion cub at the National Zoo in Washington, DC, learned it had to be ready for anything after it got knocked into the water by its mom. Right in the middle of drinking, the lioness walks up behind him and his sibling while they were drinking and started grooming them. The other cub apparently ...
READ MORE +Nature is brutal. Sometimes the most brutal side of nature can be seen through interactions within the same species, like this fight over territory between lions. In the video, lions from the Othawa pride and Majingilane males are seen as they fight and kill an adult Ximhungwe lioness. The lions ...
READ MORE +For those who don't understand big cat behavior - ourselves included - these pictures of a lioness nursing a baby leopard may just seem cute, but not that big of a deal otherwise. However, these recent photos show something that hasn't been seen or photographed before in the wild. When Luke ...
READ MORE +Francie Lubbe was camping with a friend in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in Botswana when she woke up to these lionesses licking water off her tent in the morning. Lubbe posted the video on Facebook and said it was taken in the Khiding campsite, an area in the preserve that is famous for ...
READ MORE +You always remember your first big trip with your family and these lion cubs don't look like they'll be forgetting this day anytime soon.