If you saw a shrike and didn't expect it'd have much of a killer instinct you'd be dead wrong. While most birds of prey that come to mind may be larger and have sharp talons, the shrike makes up for its small size and lack of claws by using its environment to essentially put its victims on pikes. ...
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It's next to impossible to judge exactly how a marlin will react once it's hooked. The one thing that's certain is that there's a massive fish with a spear on its face and anything can happen. It's not uncommon for fishermen to get speared by a marlin while fighting to get them in their boat. ...
READ MORE +There are attacks and then there is what happened when a swordfish launched at a diver, attacking him like it had a grudge and attempted to spear him while he was walking on the ocean floor off the south coast of Brazil. The unprovoked attack could've ended a lot worse than it did. Fortunately for ...