They weren't lying when they called this fight between a sloth bear and a tiger a "Clash of the Titans." Judging from how it looked at the beginning, we would've put money on the tiger to have ended this quickly and easily — we would've lost that bet.
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Give up isn't something this goat knows how to do. Especially when what he's up against what seems like an impossible challenge. Despite the bull coming in strong, the goat manages to start pushing him back and comes out on top. With his victory, the goat shows everyone the importance of never ...
READ MORE +With the way the people behind the camera are talking, this goose must be some sort of sidewalk keeper that decides who passes and who doesn't. The unsuspecting man is just out for a walk when he stumbles upon the angry goose. He attempts to bypass the goose and immediately finds out that's not ...
READ MORE +Extremely high temperatures during the summer months at India's Tadoba National Park means water becomes even more scarce. This leads to animals congregating around waterholes in order to have enough water to survive. Predator and prey can be found at these spots at any given time. Naturally, ...
READ MORE +It's no secret that mongooses are basically cobra killing machines. You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but these little guys are vicious hunters and a cobra's worst nightmare. From the instant the fight starts, it looks like the mongoose has the cobra on the ropes. While the cobra may look ...
READ MORE +This goat named Baxter must've hit its head to think it stood a chance of winning a headbutt battle against this bull. Fights that involve ramming two heads together typically don't go well for either party, but it looks like Scout, the bull, is mostly brushing off the non-stop onslaught until ...
READ MORE +This ain't a fight you want to be anywhere near! When these male grizzly bears hit mating season in Alaska, all bets are off. Brad Josephs captured this incredible footage showing grizzlies in a fight to the death — or fight till they're tired. They go hard at it for about 30 seconds before ...
READ MORE +Everyone knows or has known someone who will get into a fight just to fight and doesn't seem to understand the concept of walking away. That's basically what the honey badger is to the animal world. They're notorious for being incredibly fearless, which is why this leopard isn't exactly having ...
READ MORE +It didn't take long before this ram realized going head to head with a whitetail buck wasn't in his best interest. The ram may have had the initial jump on the buck, but that advantage was quickly lost when the buck made the most of those tines and absolutely dominated his attacker. After taking ...
READ MORE +If you hop onto pro golfer Jimmy Walker's Instagram page, you're sure to see plenty of pictures of delicious food, galaxies, far, far away, travel, and golf, of course. You'll also notice that Walker's big into hunting. One of his recent hunting trips landed him in an incredible situation while ...
READ MORE +Despite what many people think, moose can be incredibly aggressive. This is especially true if it's a bull moose in the rut. These two bull moose show just how unwilling either of them is to back down as they go head to head. The fight takes place on an open road and after a tense battle of ...
READ MORE +Epic footage of a tiger shark and a hammerhead battling each other was captured by Ryan Willsea while line fishing tuna off the Louisiana coast. The encounter started off when a hammerhead takes the bait and gets hooked. Within a few minutes of the unlikely turn of events, a tiger shark ...
READ MORE +A stray cat found a family in Denver, Colorado that started helping it out by leaving food on their front porch. After it kept coming around, Jason Zaffuto, the homeowner, was watching his security cameras when he noticed the cat had an unwelcome guest trying to give it some trouble. A coyote could ...
READ MORE +This is one cat fight you wouldn't want to find yourself having to break up. Two lions of the Majingilane coalition can be seen fighting over lionesses of the Othawa pride. The Majingilane coalition actually consists of 4 brothers named Dark Mane, Scar-Nose, Hip-Scar and Golden Mane. They have ...