The sight of a buck in the bed of a pickup truck isn't an unfamiliar sight to hunters. This massive buck in the back of a pickup is no different. Or is it? If you did a double and had to rub your eyes you aren't alone. This massive buck is actually a truck wrap from Sandy’s Custom Auto ...
Most fishermen fish for various reasons, but most of the time, they're seeking out the next monster in the water. The experience is also important because nothing beats a day of fishing, but no one goes out with the goal of catching the tiniest fish they can find, right? The art of tanago ...
READ MORE +This sounds a little far-fetched at first, but this artist has been creating some incredible work by simple using dirt and some serious patience - seriously. What starts out as dirt ends up as a beautiful sphere with an incredible shine and texture that would make people assume you're a liar if you ...
READ MORE +Whatever inspired Sean Yolo aka HULA to start painting portraits in hard to reach places with the help of his paddle board, we're glad it happened. The NYC based artist is formerly from Oahu, Hawaii, but had been making use of secluded spots to create artwork that requires a little hard work to ...
READ MORE +Andy Goldsworthy has a talent for turning a typical nature shot into something that at times looks like a mixture between something out of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. A British sculptor, Goldsworthy creates stunning temporary sculptures from just about ...