This mutant-looking fish 'walking fish' isn't likely to hurt you, but it may freak out everyone on the beach. It's unlikely you'll see one of these walking fish in your life, especially one that's all black like the one this family discovered. Believed to be a striped anglerfish, scientist say ...
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This angry sea devil's bite is so strong it would give the Jaws of Life a run for it's money. Check out this video and the struggle this man has to get his hand released. Their bite strength is legendary, as evidenced by this study from ScienceBlog.
READ MORE +Deep-sea anglerfish are strange and elusive creatures that are very rarely observed in their natural habitat. Fewer than half a dozen have ever been captured on film or video by deep diving research vehicles. This little angler, about 9 cm long, is named Melanocetus. It is also known as the ...