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More Women Buying Guns in Wake of Trump Win

Sales for most items experience a surge during the holiday season, so it’s no surprise that gun sales rise this time of year. Just like other holiday seasons before, more people are buying guns.

What has changed, however, is who’s buying them. Ever since Donald Trump won the presidential election, there has been an increase in the number of women and the elderly who have made a gun purchase. Many of these purchases are even for their first gun, according to CBS.

“The request from people in the general public has been increasing,” said Robert Boike, with Home Safety Academy, a firearm training facility in Lake Park.

Looming crackdowns on gun regulations have heavily influenced sales over the last eight years, so it’s interesting to see this change in buying habits now that peoples Second Amendment right is more secure than it’s been in a long time.

“We’ve had a general increase in the female population looking for it (guns),” said Boike. “We have had a general increase in individuals that have been victims of violence against women. They have been looking for means to defend themselves.”

The only downside to Trump’s support of gun rights and support of the NRA appears to be in the eventual reduced sales due to less fear of having the right to bear arms stripped away.

If you’re interested in learning how to defend yourself check out Gun Fighter 101 at Bienville Plantation for classes and one on one training throughout the year.


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