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VIDEO: Ruffed Grouse Lands On Guys Head And Interrupts Deer Hunt In Glorious Fashion

If you spend time hunting in the woods on a regular basis you know there aren’t many places that you’ll find some serious off the wall material for stories. No matter how many hunts you’ve been on, you know to always expect the unexpected.

It turns out it doesn’t get much more unexpected than what these two hunters encountered.

While waiting on a deer, Mary Mrosla and the man she was hunting with had a ruffed grouse that flew up and landed right on the guys head. Mrosla immediately busted out into hysterical laughter, but she was, fortunately, able to grab a camera and record the encounter.

As you can see, the grouse looks pretty happy where he’s at and shows no signs of wanting to give up his new found spot.

At this point it’s probably unlikely there are any deer left in the immediate area.

Eventually, the grouse decided it’d be most comfortable if someone was holding and petting it. They were happy to oblige, but after a few minutes the grouse decided it was time to go until the next hunters in a tree stand needed a good laugh.

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