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Venomous Snake Hidden Inside Tree at Lowes Bites Person

A Lowe’s customer was bitten by a 4.5-foot copperhead snake that was up a tree in the garden section.

The unidentified customer was shopping in a section of the lawn and gardening section where trees are displayed at a Lowe’s in Denver, in Lincoln County about 25 miles north of Charlotte, said Karen Cobb, a spokeswoman for Lowe’s. The copperhead sank its teeth into the customer, who was treated at a local hospital after employees called 911, Cobb told NBC News.

The Charlotte Observer reports North Carolina sees more venomous snake bites than any other state, with copperheads as the most likely suspect. Copperhead bites cause tissue destruction but usually aren’t fatal to people, according to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service.

“Keep in mind, however, that even a non-fatal bite needs medical attention, is extremely painful, and may cause extensive scarring and loss of use,” the agency said. “Don’t take chances — avoid these snakes.”

“This could happen at any store that sells trees. So be mindful when shopping for gardening supplies,” the East Lincoln Fire Department posted on Facebook.

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