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See the True Story Behind This Massive Dog “Bred to Hunt Bears”

It’s not hard to figure out that a claim that states a giant dog was bred to hunt bears is false. That’s not always the case, especially since pictures of a massive dog at the veterinarian started showing up online in early 2012 with claims it was a rare Newfoundland dog for the purpose of hunting bears.

The dog photographed is typically very large, and it is a Newfoundland dog breed, but it’s certainly not a dog that hunts bears.

Here’s a description of the Newfoundland breed of dog from the American Kennel Club:

A large dog and a true workhorse, the Newfoundland is a master at long-distance swimming and has true lifesaving instincts in the water. He is large and strong, possessing a heavy coat to protect him from icy waters. Equally at home in the water and on land, today’s Newfoundland competes in conformation, obedience, agility, tracking, draft and water tests, and carting. His coat can be black, brown, gray, or white and black. 

There are many conflicting stories as to the origin of the Newfoundland — some say he descended from the Great Pyrenees or a “French hound” — but nearly all agree that he originated in Newfoundland and his ancestors were brought there by fisherman from the European continent. In Newfoundland he was used as a working dog to pull nets for the fishermen and to haul wood from the forest. He also did heavy labor, such as powering the blacksmith’s bellows.

The main thing to consider in this picture is where the dog and the girl are standing. The dog is very close to the camera, while the girl is right at the back of the dog. The dog is massive, there’s no denying that, but the distorted perspective forces the dog to look much bigger than it is.

With males getting up to 150 pounds, the Newfoundland breed is huge, but that’s nowhere near being heavy enough to be an effective bear hunter.

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