A Ukranian farmer, known only as Ivan, claims to have discovered and subsequently killed the mythical chupacabra, known for supposedly sucking the blood of animals. Ivan claims to have found the beast – which he says had been attacking his livestock – and killed it with a pitchfork when he followed it into one of his barns.
The beast was caught in Rukshin, in western Ukraine’s Chernivtsi region. Locals had bee complaining of an animal getting into rabbit and chicken cages and sucking the blood from their bodies.
“The chupacabra was hunting and I killed it. It had been scaring local people for a long time. It was eating our chickens and rabbits,” said Ivan.
While the animal appears to resemble a really ugly hairless dog, veterinarians are stumped as to the actual species of the animal. After studying the animals body, Valeriy Dopiryak, the head of the Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, said it resembled an African fox, but the teeth, neck, ears and paws were too large. He couldn’t say what it was that Ivan had found.
The chupacabra was reportedly first seen in Puerto Rico and is a popular folktale in parts of the Americas. However, since the tale has gained popularity, various other countries have reported sightings of the animal. The name ‘chupacabra’ literally mean ‘goat sucker,’ referring to its fondness of draining its prey of blood.