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Potential biggest rattlesnake of all time goes viral

A Facebook post featuring a giant western diamondback has gone viral with some estimating the rattlesnake measure almost 9-feet long. Officially the largest western diamondback ever measured was 92.5 inches long, which would make this the largest one ever. But, after more photos – with less perspective – were posted, estimates were closer to 7-feet long. Still, very close to the largest of all time.


The now viral snake was killed in Arkansas after it bit one of the family’s dogs. It fell victim to a hot pink snubnose revolver. It’s actually illegal to kill a snake in Arkansas, unless the snake poses an imminent danger.

Snakes have popular in the news recently with Kevin Fowler’s snake bite photos going viral, and this article following a hunter surviving a snake bite – Hunter survives rattlesnake bite, and his story could save your life.



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