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Video: Elephant Kicks Cape Buffalo In The Head And Gets Charged

Elephants and cape buffalo are both known for being temperamental, so what happens when an elephant decides to kick the buffalo in the head? About what you’d think!

It looks like the elephant was testing the cape buffalo to see how far it could push it before it freaked out or ran off. The kick looks like the equivalent of two kids playing the “I’m not touching you” game before one of the kids hauls off and punches the other one. In this case, the buffalo charges the elephant after it starts walking off and headbutts it in the butt.

Judging by the angle of the horn the to elephants backside, we’re going to assume that hurt a little bit more than the head kick.

Since an elephant never forgets, this one will either never go near a cape buffalo again or it’ll kick a littleĀ harder next time it decides to push one around.

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