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VIDEO : TUNA TORNADO – Huge Swarm of Jack Fish Dwarf Scuba Diver

Fish Tornado. A huge school of jack tuna (bigeye trevally) swarm together in this amazing display of courtship. They absolutely dwarf the scuba diver. Octavio Aburto released a photo titled "David and Goliath" which was so astounding many believed it was staged or altered. It's hard to deny this ...

VIDEO : The most devious fish in the world

This predator has evolved to look EXACTLY like a harmless Peacock cichlid that only eats tiny sand organisms. It pretends to eat sand, and then violently attacks unsuspecting fish. About Mutant Planet : Science Channel - Prepare to be transported to strange worlds within worlds where it seems as ...

Gangsters of the Flats : Infamous Giant Trevally *video*

Here is a look at Gangster of the Flats, the infamous Giant Trevally. Editor and Head Guide Jako Lucas won the award for "Best fishing" at the 8th Annual Drake Mag Film Awards in 2012 for this Short movie. If this video doesn't get your heart racing as a fisherman, nothing will. Enjoy! WARNING : ...

VIDEO : Giant Sawfish Caught in Florida Keys

Lake Commando's Steve Pennaz in the Florida Keys hooked up with a Sawfish, a prehistoric monster from the deep. Fishing with Capt. Jim Willcox, Steve holds on for the battle against this fish that's as big as the boat. Rarely seen or caught, this is a fish of a lifetime.   Steve and ...

Marlin On The Flats

The shallow sand flats of Fraser Island off Australia's East Coast might be one of the few places in the world where an angler can catch a marlin in chest-deep water. When conditions are right, you can even get dozens of shots every day. Al McGlashan dragged his camera crew out to the remote north ...

Killer Catfish Hunt Pigeons

A population of catfish have been honing quite a remarkable hunting technique. These catfish have developed a way to catch and eat pigeons by partially coming out of the water. They are referred to as the "Freshwater Killer Whales". Watch these catfish eat pigeons.   Photos: 1.Catfish ...

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