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VIDEO : The Real SHARKNADO! Hammerhead Shark Attacks Blacktip Shark Attracting School of Bull Sharks

Captain Shane Smith of Skinny Water Angling captured this amazing footage of a hammerhead shark flying across a flat attacking a blacktip shark, and in the process attracting a school of big bull sharks! Captain Shane is known for fishing the endless clear waters between Big Pine Key and Key West, and typically targets bonefish, permit, and tarpon. On this day, Spencer Trippe, Lawson Stiff, and Captain Shane witnessed a real life SHARKNADO, as the sharks sped around his boat at a dizzying speed, leaving circles of ocean sand spiraling in the water.


Sight fishing for Florida’s famed flats species such as Tarpon, Permit, and Bonefish is Capt. Shane’s true passion. He started his guiding career almost 20 yrs. ago in the high mountains of Colorado. Since then, he has never looked back in his tireless pursuit of all fish that swim. If your goal is to be guided by an endlessly patient, knowledgeable, FUN guide, that will work his hardest to tailor the trip of a lifetime for you, Capt. Shane will surely satisfy your needs.




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