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23-Year-Old Steals 23 Guns From His Dad and Sells Them to Cabela’s

Thieves are a special kind of low. Instead of working for what they want, they opt to take it from those that have put in the work. But when a thief steals from their own family, much less their own father who they live with, they reach level of crappy human being that few ever see.

McKenzie R. Joplin of  O’Fallon, MO, recently did something that pretty much guarantees no more family reunion invites when he stole 23 guns from his father over the course of several months in 2015 and sold them all to Cabela’s.

Cabela’s Gun Library program allows gun owners to get rid of their old guns and make a little cash in the process. Joplin took full advantage of this, making $4,966 by selling all 23 guns. In order to sell each gun, Joplin signed a legal document (23 times) in order to sell each gun, claiming he had rightful ownership of the gun.

Joplin stole and sold the guns in order to pay child support, according to Detective Douglas Barber of the Hazelwood Police Department. A previous divorce required him to pay $604 a month in child support and $1,800 in retroactive child support, starting last September.

Joplin’s dad reported to police that his son stole his guns and sold them to Cabela’s between June 4 and August 19, 2015.

It’s unclear why the father didn’t report any of the thefts earlier on. It’s unlikely he didn’t notice the missing guns, and if he didn’t, he needs to practice being a more responsible gun owner.

With a bail set at $5,000, it looks like Joplin could have used that gun money for something else. He also got charged with felony stealing which is punishable by up to seven years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

After pleading guilt last December, Joplin was put on five years probation and ordered to live with his parents, subjecting him to some of the most awkward family dinners of all-time.

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