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Bird Hilariously Photobombs Weatherman During Weather Report

In the world of weather reporting, each day comes with all sorts of surprises as storms ...

VIDEO: Hoverbike Public Flight Demonstration Shows We May Be Able To Buy One Very Soon

It looks like being able to own your very own hoverbike may very well soon become a ...

VIDEO: Florida Got So Cold That Iguanas Fell Out Of Trees Until They Warm Up

If you were in Florida during the recent cold snap and saw dead iguanas everywhere, don't ...

VIDEO: The ‘SurroundView’ Ground Blind Lets Hunters Say Goodbye To Blind Spots

Ground blinds are great for a wide range of hunting scenarios. The only real drawback to ...

VIDEO: Man Slips Down His Entire Driveway On Black Ice Before Finally Face Planting

Everyone's slipped and fallen at some point in their lives. Some have even done so on ...

VIDEO: Cruise Ship Travels Through Bomb Cyclone And It Was As Bad Of An Idea As It Sounds

Imagine you're on a massive ship and you have two options for the path to your ...

Viral Photos Show Red-Bellied Black Snake Hitching A Ride While Tapping On Car Window

An Australian man had one heck of a hitchhiking experience when a snake crawled around to ...

VIDEO: Truckers Laugh As They Intentionally Run Over And Crush A Bear

We've seen a lot of messed up ways that people treat animals but this one is right at the ...

VIDEO: Mountain Lion Stalks Deer Decoy And Is Incredibly Confused

If there's one certain thing in this world it's that a deer will always run like crazy ...

VIDEO: Family Releases A Squirrel They Saved And It’s Immediately Attacked

Attempting to save an animal doesn't always work out. That's something this family ...

VIDEO: Lemurs Bombard Reporter And Prove They Couldn’t Care Less About The News

Steer clear of lemurs if you're ever trying to film anything with a camera. BBC ...

VIDEO: Kids Hand Feed Buck That Wondered Into Neighborhood

It's a pretty incredible any time you're able to get an up-close moment like this deer ...

VIDEO: Venison Cheesesteaks Offer Sloppy, Delicious Goodness

If you're a cheesesteak fan and always thought the only way to make it better would be to ...

VIDEO: Hungry Bass Busts Through Frozen Lake To Get Topwater Lure

Topwater bass hits are always fun to watch, but this bass takes it to an entirely new ...
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