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VIDEO: Filmmaker Fights Off Angry Momma Grizzly Bear With Bear Spray

This shows just how fast an encounter with a grizzly can turn into an incredibly ...

VIDEO: Friendly Hippos Help Reunite A Duckling With Its Mom

Hippos may be known for being aggressive, but these two wanted nothing more than to help ...

Watch Hero Dog Saves Chickens From A Hungry Fox Just In Time!

A fox looking for an easy meal thought he had caught his lucky break when he spotted a ...

VIDEO: Driver Spots Massive Moose Walking Down The Middle Of The Road

Moose aren't exactly known for being tiny, but this massive bull that was spotted walking ...

Watch Pitbull Chase Off A Wolf That Tried To Ruin Its Swim

We'll start off by saying we're not 100% sure if this is actually a wolf that comes up ...

VIDEO: Researcher Stunned After Shark Leaps Out Of The Water Right Under His Feet

Marine fisheries biologist, Greg Skormal, was on a tagging trip in Massachusetts when he ...

VIDEO: Aggressive Tiger Shark Shows That The Fight Is Just Beginning After It’s Caught

Tagging sharks isn't for the faint of heart. What can seem like a perfectly easy catch ...

VIDEO: Endless Flathead School Has Us Wanting Catfish For Dinner

Now, this is an epic school of fish! These flathead catfish are schooled up so thick ...

Woman Survives Cliffside Plunge For 7 Days Before Rescuers Find Her

Surviving a fall from a cliff is incredible enough, but add in seven days, the lack of ...

VIRAL VIDEO: Guy Taunts Bison Because He’s An Idiot; Gets Arrested

There's really no other way around it — this guy is an idiot. Even if it wasn't ...

VIDEO: Python Swallows Deer Whole In Just A Few Seconds…Or Does It?

It may look like this snake found a deer and swallowed it whole in a matter of seconds, ...

VIDEO: Fawn And Its Mother Get Ambushed While Eating

Nature can be brutal and unpredictable. This footage makes that all too apparent. A ...

VIDEO: Family Freaks Out When Timber Rattlesnake Attempts To Climb On Boat

The last thing anyone wants is to find themselves in a tiny cramped space with a ...

VIDEO: Man Spots And Records 4 Mountain Lions Hanging On His Front Porch

Andy Davis of Colorado was having coffee before going for a run when he noticed he had a ...
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