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Enormous 68.67-pound Kingfish Shatters Atlantic Coast Record

The Cape Lookout Shootout King Mackerel Series held its championship tournament recently ...

Giant 4-foot 7-inch 114-pound Salamander Discovered

A massive and very rare salamander - estimated by experts to be over 200-years-old, has ...

Wicked Thunderstorm Winds Blow 64 Train Cars From Overpass

Lufkin police sergeant Dale Jowell said that 64 empty train cars blew over on Sunday ...

71 & 101-Pound Grouper Highlight Epic 6-Minute Dive

Ritchie Zacker is known as TGO (The Great One) because of his spearfishing success ...

Flamethrower Attached to Drone Roasts Turkey

With Christmas fast approaching, you may be wondering about a way to cook your favorite ...

Truck Burns to Ground, Somehow Yeti Cup Stays Intact WITH Ice

Andrew Ladshaw posted a photo collage on his Facebook page of a burning truck, the ...

Fisherman Rescued by Stealth Warship – The Zumwalt Destroyer

The crew of the Navy's brand new $4.3 billion Zumwalt Destroyer brought the captain of ...

Dad Kills King Cobra With Bare Hands to Avenge Son’s Death

The man can be seen grabbing the venomous snake from a tree and smashing it against the ...

Former Miss Kansas, Hunting TV Star Theresa Vail Kills Grizzly Illegally

Theresa Vail, of Wichita, Kansas, the star of “Limitless with Theresa Vail,” has been ...

Coyote Attacks and Attacks and Attacks Some More

What would you do if a coyote would not leave you alone? Jeremy Frech video'd the most ...

Huge 80-Pound Beaver With A Bad Temper Attacks “Re-locator”

The team behind SuburbanWildlifeTV had a very tough time with a stubborn, large, and ...

Georgian weightlifter falls again…and again There's something to be said about a guy who ...

Dramatic Video Shows Bodyboarder Saving Life of Surfer in Relentless Waves

American surfer Evan Geiselman wiped out on The Pipeline in Hawaii and had to be rescued ...

Freakishly Fast Great White Shark Almost Breaks Into Cage

Don't blink as this great white explodes from out of the camera to partially inside the ...
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